Nuremberg City Map for Tourists

Nuremberg City Map – Nuremberg old town
- 66 – Vestnertorgraben is a street where they say that you can find every single thing you want. Besides parking spaces and restaurants for every taste, you can also find restful places where you can stay. ATM machines are on every corner so if need of cash quick, no worries here. Maybe it’s the most popular by its nightlife, where you can enjoy in almost any kind of fun. So, if planning to party a bit, this place doesn’t mind how old are you, for sure you will find a place where no one will judge you. In that case, enjoy!
- 13 – Maxtor is the district in the northern part of the city, it belongs to the 26th district. It was once a Gate of the town, but since it was ruined, now it’s the main square for traffic for the whole northern side of the Nuremberg. It is most popular by the city park which is the beauty for itself and it spreading out over a large area in an irregular way. But, in case you didn’t know, here you will found a Neptune fountain, which is built in 1962, and is a work of art. If looking for a subway station, you’ll catch a U3 line.
- 11 – Westtorgraben or Western Gate, is no longer the western gate, but still is one of the easiest ways to get to the western side of town. Once it was called Mohrentor, but, in 1870., it got its name which stands by now. To be able to make this a proper place for travelling, they had to demolish an old part of the town, which had its walls for protection of the town. Those changes were made in 1879., and since then, this is one of the most travelled parts of this side of the city.
- 70 – Frauentorgraben is the main gate in the Eastern Wall of Nurenberg. A great round tower is on the top of the gate, and in the old days, this part was called “Blau Q”. Through this gate, you can find yourself on the exit of the town, and all the Southern locations in the country. Courtyard replaced place named Inner Women’s Gate, and now this zone is for pedestrians only.
- 67 – Koenigstorgraben is the place where you can find almost everything that you may need. Except for the police station, if you have a question or a remark, to the ‘ Ba Beef Club’, and for the real tourists, Dominos is right there on that street.
- 52 -Marientorgraben is a street where you can find almost everything you need. From parking spaces one of which is on the open, the other is roofed, there is also a hair salon in the vicinity. ATM is also near, but the biggest part here goes to the night club, which is on the end and the corner of the street. If you are looking for fun, this is one of many places where you can have a lot of fun at night.
- 41 -Breite strasse is, as they say, the beginning of the ‘Mile Walk’ in Nuremberg. If you start at this point, you will need a whole day, if you want to at least glance at every single store, mall, Church or one of their many museums. But be careful, because this place has everything you need, and you may even lose the whole day here. Renown marks of shoes, watches, perfumes, to the little home-made stores all in one place.
- 37 – Hauptmarkt is the main market place in Nuremberg. Sometimes it’s just a big Plato covered in brick, and it’s part of old town Market place. The best time of the year to visit this place is around Chrismas. Christmas Market is something everybody should see if anywhere near this place, because of the site along with all the colours and home-made offers are everywhere.
- 30 – Schoener Brunnen (beautiful fountain) is something you will never forget while you live. Such a rare and beautiful thins you’ll ever see. It’s made of gold and bronze and has a hidden ring on it. The story says that the one who found the brass ring will have good fortune for the rest of the life. Be that as it may, be sure to look at this magnificent piece of work.
- 31 – Karolinen strasse is in the heart of the pedestrian zone in Nuremberg. The only vehicle you’ll see here are those that deliver food, drink, stamp, and other things for the many, many shops you will find here. This street is a kind of a shortcut to more lively streets, but it also has stores of world brands where you can find everything you need. Also, there is a coffee place, where you can rest and get move further through town.
- 31 – Adler strasse is parallel street from Karolinen street, and, like many others, you’ll find a few shops there, interesting enough, on one corner is the tattoo shop, several restaurants with a different kind of food, and maybe the most important is the Parking place, where you don’t need to worry about your car. Set them down for a day, and enjoy everything that this beautiful city has to offer.
- 9 – Zeughaus is the old Arsenal storage and current Police station. One part of it is the museum of the armoury, where you can look at the peace older than the WWI. It’s been heavily damaged during the bombing, but they renovated it, and now it’s the same, except elegant entrance which wasn’t ruined. Two of the stories belong to the Nuremberg Police Station, the rest is a great museum which became state property. Now it’s a great attraction for the tourists.
- 17d – Weisser Turm, or the White Tower is the last station on this route. Its located in the old part of the city called Ludwigsplatz, right across St.Jakob and St. Elisabeth Churches. This station completes the circle where we can call it an end to a pedestrian zone, and it’s on the west side of the city. The tower is built so solid that stands out even to this day. One of the famous things about this place is that it also has a complicated clock on the top, and if you listen to old folks, the story about White Tower is that it won’t be white ever again if it’s not being licked by Nurenburg Virgines, but it’s just a myth.
- 19 – Lorenz kirche is one of a kind Church. Made entirely of stone, even the smallest of details are made of stone. This is an Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria. When you look at it, two Towers rise up, and the third, the one in the middle is a bit lower. It’s made to resemble a Gothic style and to represent the wealth of Nuremberg people who lived there in that time.
- 29 – Tugend brunnen is one of the rare and beautiful fountains you’ll ever see. Made originally of bronze, it’s made into three layers. In those three layers are the virtues that everyone should have. So they described faith, hope, charity, courage, temperance and patience. On the top, the third layer is Justicia or justice, blindfolded with a scale in one, and the sword in the other hand.
- 26 – St. Klara is Roman Catholic Church in the old town. First, it was a monastery church, then Protestant Sermon Church, after that time was abandoned for some time until it became the Catholic Church. This Church holds many art-works that are worth seeing like carvings, paintings, frescoes and two amazingly made altars. Certainly worth seeing even if the Churches aren’t your style.
- 44 – Neues Museum ( new museum). Even if it’s not the first on the list of new museums, there s a lot to see here. Modern, contemporary art is here and it’s open for looking almost the whole day. There is a place for permanent collections, which are on the first two floors, and the rest are temporary exhibits and that is part of one’s taste. All in all, if you have the time, and like some of the new art, you should visit this place.
- 22 – St. Jakob is medieval Church of imperial Nuremberg. Build in 1209. it was supposed to be recognized as a Romanesque, but some 80 years later it was rebuilt to resemble the Gothic Style. Being renovated two times, and having a long and turmoil history, this is the place which almost everyone has forgotten, but it’s still on the list of great things to see in this great town. The Chuch has an organ which was made by Steinmeyer Orgelbau, it has three manual pipes, and it dates back from 1968.
- 5 – Heilig Geist Spital or the Holy Ghost Hospital is a place filled with history. The hospital was built by the Konrad Gross, who wanted to help sick people, but also those who were less fortunate than him. He made this place a place of worship where all those who spend time there were obligated to pray so that at the end of life of Konrad Gross he could have a special vehicle for the soul. That is a myth from those days. The hospital was finished in 1339. and had a capacity for 400 people. As time went by, more and more people gathered here for all kind of reasons. Following the tradition, almost all of the wealthy people donated into the hospital. It was ruined in the bombing during WWII and rebuilt in 1951. The only thing that couldn’t be rebuilt was the Gothic Chapel.
- 6 – Nassauer Haus, or as they say Schlüsselfeldersche Stiftungshaus is one of the last medieval residential houses, which is built in Romanesque style, but, after the renovation, like all the others, were tried to copy Gothic Style. After the war was over, all the houses that stand on the corners of the street were called by this name. This is one excellent representative of the details made so that the house would look better. It has great corner windows, which are called Bay windows. Be sure to visit.
- 53 – Verkehrs-museum or The Nurenberg Transport Museum consists of two parts, one of them is Deutsche Bahm’s and the other covers Museum of Communications. This Nurenberg Transport Museum is the oldest of its kind in Europe. Among its exhibitions, you can find here parts of the Royal Train from Bavarian King Ludvig the Second, the Streamlined locomotive, and the trans-Europe Expres diesel railcar that dates from the 1950s, original wagon that transported coal during the beginning of the 19th century, as well as the oldest Steam locomotive in Germany which was made way back in 1853.
- 15 – Albrecht Dürer’s House was once home of Renaissance Artist Albrecht Dürer. The house is settled on the north-west part of the town, and very far from the centre of the Nurenberg. The house itself was built around the 1420., but with a firm architecture not much was done, because it wasn’t needing any improvement. It has 5 stories, and it’s nice like many Nuremberg old houses. Because of his art skills, his house serves as a museum of a kind. Having no one to present his life’s work, he made his house into a museum, where everyone could look at his pictures and other artwork. This is the place you shouldn’t skip when near the Dürer’s House. What is also amazing is the view from the top floor, where you can almost see the whole city, and the Castle right below the window.
- 1 – Rathaus is the place of the current Town Hall in Nurenberg, and its located on the just east of St. Sebaldus in the Old Part of the Nurenburg Town. Al the buildings from the Town Hall all the way to the Main Market Place, which is famously called ‘ The Historic Mile Of Nurenberg ‘, was being destroyed in the Second World War but renewed and rebuilt in 1951., with a lot of help from the architect Kurt Schneckendorf, who make the plan for the new buildings during almost the whole famous mile. Reconstruction of the Town Hall began in 1954. and was fully done by 1956.