Nuremberg City Tour
Nuremberg Buildings & Monuments
1. Weißer Turm
Am Ludwingsplatz
Like the Laufer Schlag Tower, this is one of the few remaining parts of the penultimate city fortifications.
The tower was built in the mid 13th century, severely damaged in 1945 and reconstructed in 1977. It is a rare gate-tower, and its name literally means ‘ The White Tower ‘. It is surrounded by pedestrian streets, where you can find everything you need. In the middle ages, that gate was the only way to get in or out of the city.
Also, one of the characteristics of this tower is the clock on the top of the tower, and as a part of a network of clocks around the city, this one is listed as one of more complicated clocks. A great place to visit at any time of the year.
In front of the Tower is the architectural fountain named Ehekarussel, loosely called ‘The Marriage Carousel’, which is worth seeing. The sculptor made a fountain for the love circle goes around from the first look to the end of life.
2. Weißgerbergasse
One of the more or less famous streets, but certainly the street you should see. All of the old houses are still in their great shape because it seems that in this town people value their rich history, along with colourfull houses, made half of wood, and they are just amazing.
For those who love photography of the native people from this part of the world, very early in the morning, the pictures will look stunning. Along with other streets, this one too was demolished in the II World War but rebuilt very soon after.
Everything about this street will amaze you, especially if visiting from a big town. This street will show you how small buildings can make a great city, and how people of this area are welcoming.
3. Straße Der Menschenrechte
If you have enough time, be sure to visit this work of modern art. The whole structure was built in 1993., and translation of this landmark is ‘The Street Of Human Rights’.
Memorial sculpture, made in front of the museum of modern arts, by Israeli artist Dani Karavan. It took him about 7 years to find a suitable concept for such a large place.
So, when visiting, there are 27 concrete pillars, each high 8 meters, with two plates on the bottom of each plate with the inscription in German and another language and the column of oak, with the big gate at the front, and on every pillar are 30 articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Something you’ll surely like to see.

Nuremberg Fountains
1. Peter-Henlein-Fountain
Nuremberg, Karolinenstr.
The bronze statue above the fountain, unveiled in 1905, is dedicated to the memory of Peter Heinlein (1485-1523).
He is considered to be the inventor of the first pocket watch.
Being the honoured citizen of this town, Max Meißner made a fountain to preserve the memory of one of the more famous citizens of Nuremberg.
He was fist that tried and succeeded to make a smaller watches, that could be carried around until he made the smallest clock that can fit into the small pocket. Later, the thin chain was added, and there was the first male pocket watch.
Truly magnificent work for that age, and a great fountain celebrating the great man.
2. Der Schoene Brunnen
It was built in the late 14th century and represents one of the most beautiful fountains in the whole city.
Having in mind that this town is a real sanctuary for fountains, we are starting from the most complicated one. Built-in tree pieces plus the top, this is such beautiful work of art, and it still defies the time.
Translated it’s called ‘ The Beautiful Fountain ‘.
There is a myth that if you can find a bronze ring on the bottom of the fountain, and you turn it around, you will have a lot of luck, some say it can grant wishes, but all in all a masterpiece of work.
It’s settled at the corner of the main city square, so everyone who comes to this city will see it! The best time to see any of the artworks is best around Christmas time.
3. Tugendbrunnen
Am Karolinenstraße
Council of the City of Nuremberg is the one that commissioned this fountain to be built, and the honour to do it got Benedikt Wurzelbauer (1548 – 1620).
The work lasted from 1584 to 1589, and it’s made in style of late Renaissance. Like many others, it’s made out of bronze and sandstone, and it is worth seeing.
This fountain is widely known as a fountain of virtues. In three layers of finely made sculptures represent the most important virtues that one should obey.
On the ground floor are the first four, where Faith is been represented with the Cross, Love with a love for children, hope with anchor, Generosity with Lion, and in the row above this one are Moderation in a form of Jug, Patience presented with a Lamb, and right there on the top of all of them is Justicia, or Justice, with a blindfold on her eyes, scale in one and a sword in the other hand. Another piece of art you shouldn’t miss if you find yourself in this beautiful city.
There are many other fountains in this town, and every single one of them has its own history, its own story of how it was made, and few of them were rebuild several times.
Nuremberg Streets & Places
1. Hauptmarkt
The Hauptmarkt (main market) Square is the setting for the traditional, world-famous Christkindlesmarkt (Christmas Market) that takes place every year from the Friday before the first Sunday of Advent.
Up until 1349, this was the site of the first, Jewish ghetto in Nuremberg, which was torn down during a pogrom.
It is one of the best-known pedestrian places in town, and during the Christmas holidays, it gathers people from all around the world to see the famous Christmas Angel, which is their version of Santa Claus.
The festivities last for a few weeks, and the main market is filled with all kind of domestic delicates. Here you can find real Christmas ornaments for the tree, made by hand and out of glass, which is pretty rare these days, a place where in the cold everything smells like cookies also made by hand, and cooked vino, to warm all the people which gather here.
There are also several stands from different countries, where people sell their national Christmas ornaments and food.
But, the Chrismas cookies are here so good, that everyone that tried it say that they are filled with nuts, and the real treat when it comes to Christmas food.
2. Palace of Justice
Fürther Str. 110
This complex is built from 1909 to 1916, and at that time it was being used as the appellate court of that time. Having the turbulent past, this is also a place where the infamous Nuremberg Trials were held, from 1945 to 1949 and it is one of the main characteristics of this building.
Nuremberg trials were held on the top floor of this building, and now it is a tourist attraction.
Besides being the appellate court, in the time it was built it served also as a regional court, local court and the public defender’s office.
It was chosen for the trials after WW II because it was one of the rare buildings that weren’t being ruined by bombarding. It was safe for the workers as well as for the defendants because it was easy to guard the prisoners.
The fact is that the courtroom where the trials were held is still being used for the capital punishments.
3. Nürnberger Burg
Auf der Burg 13
Nuremberg Castle is also an ancient building worth seeing, but this Castle anyone can see from very far away. In any corner of this city, if you look a bit better, you can see this beautiful tower. The Tower itself is the beginning and the end of inner city walls, and still, represent one of the largest fortresses from the time when walls of the city needed to be saved.
In the past, that was the most important fortress because it’s on the hill, which is a great spotlight, and of the great importance for the Old Holy Roman Empire.
This Castle, like many other famous buildings in this city, has its own museum. For the ones willing to climb to 385 meters high, will be awarded a view of the whole town, which is amazing. From there everyone can see the happy houses, painted in different colours, and everything that is important in this town was rebuilt after the war, so now anyone can enjoy in one of the most colourful towns in the world.
Nuremberg – Tourist Information
- In the building of the Kuenstlerhaus.
Konigsstr. 93 opposite the railway station
Mon. to Sat. 9.a.m. – 7.p.m.
This is an extraordinary building, which was built in 1901., and the name translated means ‘ The House of Artists ‘. From that day forward, this building had a lot of usages, especially during The WW II, but it never went far astray from its original purpose. From 1973 up to 1997 it was one of the biggest cultural centres, and soon became self-governing cultural and communication centre, which soon became famous in Germany, and was one of the first self-governing cultural centres.
Because the beauty belongs to everyone, first they decided to renovate the building and restore all that needed help, and finally, when opened again in 1996., it was decided for this cultural place to be a part of the town, owned by everyone.
Since this kind of fine arts is sometimes being forgotten, in 2008. they decided to merge with other cultural institutions, and became Künstlerhaus in the KunstKulturQuartier.
Since this place is right across the railway station, it was easy to plan all kind of performances. That is the place where always has happenings, every day, no matter which time of year you have chosen, or a specific date, where everyone can find something that is just as it was meant for your pleasure.
It has to be mentioned that it has a part which is Municipal Galery, where you can see the greatest pictures from the 19th century, and some date way back. This institution cannot be really be put to words, but, if you are looking for a sanctuary where cell phones don’t ring, where the pictures and the shows will leave you without breath, if you just want to be left alone and think about beauty, then this is the right place to be.
It seems like every day there is a new happening and there is something for everyone. From movies, modern artworks, exhibitions, workshops for many things for younger and also for older people who like to keep in touch with national arts, concerts for the more or less known artists, festivals are held here, a cultural program for children, as well as dance classes for all ages, so if culture is your thing, look no further, you are in the right place.
2. Viewpoints: Schmausenbuck
Lookout Tower
Opening hours: May – Sept. Sun. from 1 – 5 p.m.
The tower, built in 1888, is 29 m tall and stands on a hill near the zoo. There is a wonderful view over Nuremberg and the surroundings from the viewing platform.
This viewpoint is one of the highest points in this town, standing from the sea 390 meters, and it’s a long walk to get to it, but like all rare and beautiful things, this one too will make you work hard to get there.
In the middle of the wood, where the moss is almost on every stone, pointing north, you’ll want to see in front of you, and that view will be absolutely worth your trip to the observation deck, from where you can almost see the whole world at the palm of your hand.
3. Viewpoints: Sinwelltower
Burg 13
Opening hours: Apr. – Sept. 9 a.m. -12 p.m. & 12.45 – 5 p.m, Oct. – Mar. 9.30 a.m. -12 p.m. & 12.45-4 p.m.
This landmark of the City of Nuremberg, high above the Kaiserburg, provides a lovely view over the old town of Nuremberg and the surroundings. Like the old, wise man, standing tall, keeping the town safe at night.
This Castle is a beautiful example of how you don’t need to run out of town to feel all of its beauty. The Tower is more like a museum than a castle, and everything inside is a big or small work of art that waited for centuries to be seen by as many people as possible could. But that is for another time.
Just to mention, this sightseeing is not for everyone, because, there is just one elevator, and it leads only to the ‘King’s Chambers’, which can also be photographed, and this goes for the whole tower. The only obstacle could be the stairs, which are the only way to get to the top.
But, when you do get to the top, you’ll see that it was worth every single step you made to get to the viewing point.
From there, everything looks small, but on a larger scale, it’s peaceful, and you can see the whole happy town with their colourful houses, every one different from the other in colour, but almost the same in structure. On your way up, you will see wooden roofs of some rooms, and painted rooms in the whole circle, you’ll find old clocks, and many more interesting things.
One thing is for sure, and that is if you like art, you won’t be sorry for getting to the top.
Bicycle Hire
- Ride on a Rainbow
100 bicycles available for hire
Opening hours: from 10:00h to 19:00h, Wednesday is their day off;
Adam-Kraft-Str. 55
Nuremberg is a town where almost every place of any significance is on pedestrian streets. That is famous ‘ Mile Long Walk ‘, where tourist walk in order to see everything. But, if you want to get from one place to another without losing much time, there are many places where you can rent a bike, and cycle over the whole town in a much shorter time. It’s surely less expensive than driving a car and much better for the environment.
For the perfect Ride on a Rainbow, there is a lot to offer. Like, for example, the electric bike, so when you get tired of pedalling, you can use the feature of these bikes, and just drive around.
If you need it for getting everything you need during the day, there is a special bike for you too. There are also offers of rickshaws for rent if you need it for more people, there are also bicycles for couples, and for the ones who love speed there are terrain bikes, that can get you fast wherever you go. Also, in their offer are scooters, which can also be fun for those who love it.
2. Noris-Bike
Opening Hours: from Monday to Saturday opened from 9:00h to 19:00h,
and on Sunday from 10:00h to 16:00h;
Königstraße 93
There are some options for renting a bike. To say that Nuremberg has only one offer when it comes to – well, everything, would be an understatement. This chain of places where you can pick up, and return your rental bike is literally in every one of the stations beside the kiosks in the inner city of Nuremberg.
For reasonable prices, you can get your bike at one place, and leave it in one of so many Bike stations around the whole town. If you are in a hurry, that is a great option. Everything is digitalized, even the locking mechanism, so follow the rules and enjoy the ride. Just get the app, and follow the instructions, and always look if everything is Okay with the bike, because it’s your fault if something is wrong, and you didn’t report it right on the spot. You can rent it for a minimum of 30 minutes up to 24h, and if you want, for not that much money, you can rent a bike even for a whole year, which is by far more cheaper choice, because, in the end, it’s your decision.
Everything among these things you can rent by the hour, for a whole day, or for a whole week, even a whole year and the pricing list is not that brutal, as they can be. So make your choice, and cycle all around Nuremberg with a smile on your face.
3. Rent a Bike
Opening hours: 09:00h to 18:30h
Koernerstr. 83
Elegant and simple, this service rays right on what are they offering. Rated pretty good by the people who had a chance to take a ride on one of these bikes. They are most famous by dealing with people personally, which can be the best way to connect with the client. Always polite and with the smiles on their faces, everyone who works in this shop will help you with everything and have patience when dealing with customers. Those who had experience with this company will tell you that they are very well equipped, that they will offer you the best possible service, and see if you are looking for a stroll through the streets, or you had a longer mileage in mind.
Except for the usual equipment, and customer service, they offer hidden places in the town, from where you can enjoy the ride, and at the end enjoy the view. Of course, there are tours that are prepared for not that extreme biking, which offers tour around the town, but you don’t have to walk ‘The Nuremberg Mile’ by foot. Their motto is: ‘With our help, it becomes biker’s paradise’, gently lure in you for the next sentence which is: ‘Rent a Bike Nuernberg is a hidden treasure’.
What anyone can also find helpful is that they have their own couriers, so if you are in a hurry and need something delivered as soon as possible, they are the one that still promotes their courier services, with not such high prices, depending on how much are you in a hurry to deliver something that can not be delivered electronically.
As for the rest, you can visit them at all times, and someone will surely help you, if you need help, of course.
Sightseeing Tours
Depart from: Schöner Brunnen / Hauptmarkt
Departure times: 10.30/11.15/12.15/13.00/14.00/15.00/16.00
Duration: about 30 – 40 minutes
Price: Adults 4 euros
For this kind of town you won’t need much introduction to see the beauties things you ever saw, but when travelling alone, or try to guide yourself, it’s pretty likely that you will end up going in circles, not knowing have you seen this street yet, or haven’t you? But if you want to know more about the Town old 1.000 years, there are a lot of secrets, and only guided by someone who actually lives there, you will be surprised what kind of secrets this town has to offer.
It also doesn’t matter if you are younger or older, in the city they will find your age group, and take you to the most famous, but also infamous places you have ever seen. If you get here around the Christmas time, you may be better off with a guide, just for a couple of hours, until you figure out how to get to your sleeping place.
This town has real legends that are around to this day, like the ring on the Beautiful Fountain, or how about the courtroom where the Nuremberg trials were held after The Second World War, or the museums of all kind of things from the first train that went through town, to the old house of Albrecht Durer which is now a museum, and his artworks can be seen in that house and all the way through Nuremberg, his fountain is one of the masterpieces and absolutely worth seeing at least once in life.
Even though it’s best known for the trials, this town has done a lot to be everything but the memory of wars.
How did they do it? Find out for yourself, you will be charmed.
Nuremberg History
1050. First documented mention of Nuremberg
Even though the first Castle on this area was built in 1030., there was no mention nowhere in the books that will definitely say anything about 1030., but at that time, the Castle was built, and the wide network of defence walls, for protection. After the Castle was finished, the first words about were written, because the city of Nuremberg was one of the most elusive targets to possess, and thanks to the ‘ Holy Roman Empire ‘, which wanted this place the most, wrote the first words about the city, the castle, and the stong walls that can defend any city let alone the city the size of Nuremberg ( Nürmberg, which is original name of the town ).
From the 1060., all the way to the middle 15th century, there were Burgraviate of Nuremberg, as a state for the Roman Empire, and it was the whole country packed into one town, surrounded by the Great Tower, and being on the hill, the great position to protect their country within the state.
Somewhere around the late 13th century, the Empire was losing its power over people with different solutions where to create the next country in the arms of the strong city.
By the beginning of the 14th century, Nuremberg was a free city, and people who lived there tried to continue the pretty nice life in such a wealthy city/state.
It is crucial for this period to mention because in 1298., all the Jews in the city were falsely accused of ‘ Host desecration ‘, which is a form of blasphemy, and soon after, there were mass murders of the Jews. Then, in 1349. the Jews of the city lived through pogrom where they were burned alive and tortured in many different ways, in hope to massacre the whole nation and their views on their status, their faith mostly, but mainly because The Holy Empire didn’t want them in such rich surroundings. It passed many years, and the power of the Church subsided, and that opened a new chapter in the history of the ‘ Town Of Thousand Years ‘.
1524 Nuremberg accepts the Reformation
In the Early Middle Ages, not long after the pogrom, Jews, or what little there were left in the town were all transferred across the river Pegnitz, to the common flooding places. Soon after there was a Black Plague that devastated almost the whole of Europe and nearby countries, and if there is one place to be safe in was this town, with its rich citizens was the White Tower, with its walls, so no one could enter the town without everyone seeing it. It was estimated that from the Black Plague died from 50 to 200 from Euroasia to Europe. The Plague was back in the town several times losing a lot of people from this disease.
Finally, things were looking a bit brighter with the coming of the Reformation of the Church, and there were few things that predicate upon some changes that change not only Germany but the whole world.
In the first place, the invention of a Printing Press was one of the best ways to educate people about the new Protestant Church, which was willing to change in order for them not to lose too much audience. By that time, in larger cities, almost all the people were literate, so that was the easiest way to get to the peoples home, right from the printing presses. Nuremberg was one of those kinds of towns, where people were well read and at that time that was the only thing to do in their free time. As the presses printed the Martin Luter’s Reformation with the ‘ Ninety-five Theses ‘, Protestant Church was competing with the Ottoman Empire and the Catholic Church. When things subsided, the presses printed more material, and it was translated in a few different languages, because there was the open market for the better religion, looking like media impact that was explaining the changes in the Protestantism.
Like many other, Martin Luther was the teacher of theology, artist, composer, monk, but in the end was excommunicated from Church, because he didn’t want to recant his statement that he did not agree with Churches statements saying: ”Unless I am convinced by scripture and plain reason, I do not accept the authority of Popes and Councils, for they have contradicted themselves.”. As a reminder, he made the biggest contribution to the Reformation of the Protestant Church, but after some time, he got excommunicated for having a different opinion.
Anyway, he was the first that made the Protestant Church much more popular, that was until his Theses.
When the changes were made final in 1524. the Reformation was introduced widely, and the first town was the Nuremberg city, because of many noblemen in town who could promote further the stands of the Church, and give generously to the new Protestant religion.
1649 Nuremberg Peace Banquet seals the end of the Thirty Years War.
There was one thing that preceded The Nuremberg Peace Banquet, and that was on October 24, 1648., a few months before the Treaty of Münster and Osnabrück, when the Thirty Year War ended. That was the Treaty between the German Empire, France and Sweeden.
Because it was the least damaged town in Europe, and the leadership of its town elder, famous, and rich people had the skill set for completing the Treaty and make it a “Nuremberg Peace Banquet”, which was held in the ‘Greater City Hall’ and it lasted from May 1649. to July 1650. It was one of the most important pieces for the European peace congress because it ended the 30 years of blood and suffering of the people across the continent, therefore it’s named the “Nuremberg Peace Banquet”.
After the Banquet, the Treaty was needed to be implemented into all parts that were under the war, and they called it “Nuremberg Implementation Congress”, divided into two Provisions, that said basically that ‘The General Peace Treaty’ was supposed to be lead by the guidelines of the Holy Empire and the first guideline and a legal norm which will be upheld constantly and irrevocably.’
1835 The first railway runs between Nuremberg and Fuerth
In August of 1834. Bavarian parliament passed the law about the construction of Ludwig South-North Railway, which was starting at Nuremberg, going through the Fürth, Erlangen and finishing at the Forchheim, which would be the most important railway in Bavaria in German large transport routes.
The work on the railroad started just a year after the bill was passed, and the railroad was already finished just one year later, in 1835.
From that time forward, railway trough the whole country was always renovated, almost every year there were changes to make better the railroad and now it is one of the best known, and the safest railroad in Europe.
The last changes were made in a way that all of the track is electric, and the best feature about this railroad is that it has the magnet-operated system that keeps the train on the track on the places where it has the possibility to slide or turn over the tracks called tilting technology. So if looking for safe, and the cheapest way to get around Germany is their railroad, for sure.
1945-49 “Nuremberg Trials” of representatives of the Nazi regime.
For the longest time, Nuremberg with its citizens tried to change the fact that ” Nuremberg Trials ” were one of the main things this town was familiar for. They succeeded at that by building town almost from the ground up, because it was devastated in the war, creating one of the most beautiful towns in Europe, where all the tourists from around the globe can get here and admire of what had become from ruined town.
The trials were held in one of the remaining structures in the town that didn’t suffer the tragic fatality of most of the other important buildings in town.
Palace of Justice was not only served for trials but for holding the accused because this building was slightly damaged but the part where the trials and the prisoners were held was in great shape.
The Nuremberg trials were the whole series of trials by military laws, held by Allied Forces, then called The United Nations, following the letter of the law of the International Law, and The laws of war, created to punish the most gruesome war crimes committed in World War II.
The law was created for the prosecution of the most important people of Nazi Germany, who planned and executed the Holocaust and other war crimes committed during the time from 1939. up to 1945.
The most known and the most mentioned in the ‘International Military Tribunal’ was one of the British judges Sir William Norman Birkett. The trials were held from November the 20th, 1945. to October the first 1946., in which time there were 24 of the top ranking Nazi officers, and others from the Nazi regime.
While the most important people like Adolf Hitler, Hans Krebs, Wilhelm Emanuel Burgdorf and Paul Joseph Goebbels escaped their punishment by committing the suicide, just to avoid the trials, the rest of leading elite stood trial. Heinrich Luitpold Himmler tried to co take the cyanide, but he was captured to stand the trial. He committed suicide the next day.
The only one who shared his destiny was Hermann Wilhelm Göring, who stood the trials and took cyanide the same morning he was about to be hanged.
From 24 people who stand trials, 12 of them were sentenced to be hung until death, and 10 of the received the sentence of life in prison, while 2 of them, earlier mentioned, committed suicide.
The Palace of Justice is still in its place, still serves as a court, and the trial room number 600, where the trials were held is still being used as a courtroom for the most serious crimes.
During the weekend’s courtroom, No.600 is opened for tourists to visit this place, but The Nuremberg Trials Memorial is hosted by Nuremberg Musem, where you can see transcripts and some of the personal belongings there.
2001 Opening of the Documentation Centre on the Nazi Party Rally Grounds.
The Documentation Center Nazi Party Rallying Grounds is a museum in Nuremberg where it’s held the permanent exhibition with the name “Fascination and Terror”, which is connected with all the things that were written and pictured during the Second World War. The relics held there are mostly about causes and consequences and the infamous connections of the ‘ Nazi Germany ‘.
In the extension of the museum is the education centre, which solely function is to educate people about the horrors of the war, and how to preserve the world of the same thing happening again.
In 2001. the town of Nuremberg received the prize called ‘Innovation-prize of the Nuremberg region’ for their opening from Documentation Centre.
In 2002., the museum received another award from the British Guild of Travel Writers Limited for ‘ The Best New Overseas Tourism Project’.
The permanent exhibition called the “Fascination and Terror” ( or ‘Faszination und Gewalt‘ ) describes Nazi Partie Rallies, which instigator was Julius Streicher, who was one of the more important people for propaganda as a member of Nazi Party, and the author of the anti-Semitic newspaper called ‘ Der Stürmer ‘ ( The Storm Trooper ) ,which was published once a week, and it had tabloid character as one of the strongest ways to influence people, from 1923. until 1945.with some interruptions with the concern with the law.
The main thing about the Opening of Documentation Centre was to further educate, by opening the files what predicted the war, and the ways of stopping from happening again. That not only served the people of Germany who also lost many people in that war but for the rest of the world to know their history because it is the only way of predicting the future similar situations that could lead to almost equal consequences.
2004 With nearly 500.000 inhabitants, Nuremberg is the second-largest city in Bavaria.
Finally, we got to the part where are some facts in order for everyone to get some present facts about this town worth visiting.
Today, Nuremberg is the second largest town in Bavaria, after München, and it is populated with ( by present count ) 515.201 citizens, from which every single one of them lives in harmony in this great town.
There are many reasons to visit Nuremberg, and if you are looking for the best time to visit this town, it would be a few days before Christmas. Even though that is a fact, and everything is light up, smells like cookies and mulled wine, presented for the tourists, summers are just as awesome as the cold weather around New Years.
There is a lot to see, more than a lot to keep in memories and decide well before you decide next time for the holidays.
Restaurants & Pubs
Bratwurst Röslein
Obstmarkt 1 Good-value, good-quality Franconian food.
Their slogan is: “No meal for over 6.66 Euros!”
Originated from1493. this Restaurant, with its beautiful garden, is something you shouldn’t miss, any time of the year you decide to visit Nuremberg.
Probably one of the oldest, but surely the largest restaurant that sells bratwurst in the whole world. It is settled in the Old Town of Nuremberg, they can accommodate about 600 people at one time, and the garden can fit about 250 seating places.
They have a lot of things changed from the time they began working, but one thing stayed the same and that is their traditional Franconian coziness.
They have a daily many that contain local, and traditionally prepared food, and the meat and other things they need for preparing their famous meals, from which the most famous is ‘ the original Nürnberger Rostbratwürste’, the oldest recipe fand over from the old master, of this family restaurant, Michael Förster.
Rathausplatz 1
One of the top addresses for bratwurst(fried sausages), both for Citizens of Nuremberg and tourists. Beautiful summer terrace!
Main dishes from 7 to 13 Euros.
At the place which has 2 terraces, you will have a lot of choices first with sitting, because every side has a different overlook on the town, and from every corner, you can see the whole market-place, and everything that is around. Fresh beer is a must, and the owners keep track that not only beer but everything has to be fresh, everything is cooked on a real wood fire, which makes sausages not only crispy but with a smell of dry meat.
Children are very welcome, and if you have trouble with your child eating, try coming here, where you can relax, and the kids will always follow other kids.
What makes this place special is that they don’t indulge natives, but there you can find European food, central-European, and most of all, grill, which is famous everywhere in the world.
Historische Bratwurstküche
Zirkelschmiedgasse 26
Has been in business since 1419 and is the oldest bratwurst restaurant in the world. Medieval ambience.
Main dishes from 5 to 12 Euros.
This little place is located on the right by the Castle. Turomiled history of this place is not that pleasant, but when 1640. came, they finally got their name, which was “Zum Gulden Stern”, and the place became the ‘eatery’ along with the word for tavern, which meant that they could serve food if they want. Then, in 1740. they were granted permission, again, to sell beverages, especially in the winter, and people needed to stay warm, and off the streets. Because of that change, they made a Winehouse, to keep their best vines closed and in store.
That the sun always comes after rain, said the fact that in 1980. Martin Hilleprandt came to the doors with a demolition order, but thanks to many famous people eating here, and being the oldest and the dearest guests, they got together and got the money for this tavern, specialized for sausages, therefore saving it from demolition.
In the Handwerkerhof 5
Bratwurst restaurant located in the Craftsmen’s Yard since 1971.
Main dishes from 5 to 12 Euros.
Along with many others, the first mention of this place was about 1310., still cares about local tradition, and insist that all the ingredients for all the meals be local, so that they can support the local economy. Even in the 17th century, there was noted, that the pub needs 25.000 intestines and that after the sausages were made, the purchase went through. So, even then they had the knowledge and the capacity to make that big of an order to deliver on time, because, it should be kept in mind that they are made from fresh meat, which means quality and speed with the affordable prices, and the best finishing product.
Nowadays you can just order and bring home your favourite meal, packed or canned, or you can enjoy it in half open restaurant, in a shade, with a cold beer in your hand.
Bratwurst Röslein
Obstmarkt 1
Good-value, good-quality Franconian food.
Their slogan is: “No meal for over 6.66 Euros!”
This place surely is the oldest place in Nuremberg where you could get, and you still can, the tasty bratwurst in town. Crispy, and spicy enough, they still follow tradition from the old days. In this place with a lot of history, the way to the perfect sausage was long but worth waiting for. In the old days, these sausages were sent to many places in the world, so the true lovers of this delicates can enjoy the fine taste no matter where they are.
Being the oldest, it was founded in 1313., and you can get there on the way to Historic Center.
One thing that will, however, amaze you about this place is that Heinrich Wolke wrote a song about this sausages. So if you are interested in the real taste of Franconian life, this could be your choice.
Am Weinmarkt 3
Unusual, delicious cuisine in a whimsical half-timbered house. Main dishes from 25 to 40 Euros.
For starters, this is not one of the usual restaurants that you can find at any corner in this town. Here, you will be served with the finest dishes, that will put your taste buds to the serious test. Except for the excellent food of which are they so proud of, that is made from the finest ingredients, you will enjoy your every stay there, and because they can be too busy, you probably should get a reservation if you are planning to visit them in the evening hours.
One of the other fine things that they are doing for the whole society would surely be their program of educating young, and not so young people in the art of preparing food, which is one reason more to see them in the act.
Second thing is that you can reserve their restaurant for all kind of celebrations and other types of gatherings there, you will pay a bit more for a lot of everything. If waiting for night hours, be sure to reserve your table.
Maxplatz 35
Franconian cuisine in a half-timbered house by the River Pegnitz. With the summer terrace.
Main dishes from 7 to 13 Euros.
This restaurant, called also Chain Bridge, is settled in a pedestrian zone, which is on the Bridge itself, over the river, so the view itself is amazing. This is a family restaurant, run by the family Kettensteg, and they promised warmth, coziness, homemade Franconian specialities, in which you can enjoy with pleasure.
One of their specialities is ‘ The Frankish Shovel ‘ and they highly recommend it.
Beer Garden at the Wöhrder Wiese
Nuremberg’s largest and most attractive beer garden in the recreation area by the Wöhrder Lake.
Main dishes from 6 to 11 Euros.
This is a place made on a large opened area, and it’s by the lake, so in the summer days, there are natural ways to cool yourself down. Also worth mentioning is that at this wide open space is the main place where it held ‘The October Fest’.
There is a large outside terrace, where you can rest and have your homemade meal outside. There are also part with a lawn if you love nature, and also a sandy part with Bean Bag Chairs, where you can relax with sand over your feet.
The only difference is that this is a self-serving restaurant, which can be good when the visitors are not in the mood to talk to waiters, but if you want the best experience, you should come here in the middle of the summer, and have a great time with the whole family.
Nassauer Keller
Karolinenstr. 2
Genuine Franconian cuisine in a medieval vault with plenty of atmospheres.
Main dishes from 8 to 16 Euros.
This place has been known since the 13th century. Besides great food and drinks, this place is near everything, you can get there in just 5 minutes walking from the main station, and it takes 15 minutes by car to get to the airport. Among the other important information is that is accessible for Invalides, and that the pets are allowed, unlike many of the other places where you can eat.
Also, you can order your authentic food to go, and eat it in the safety of your home, or maybe outside, but keep in mind that this place has its own terrace, where you can also eat outside.
Obere Krämersgasse 29
The bar upstairs, and good Franconian food downstairs in the vault. Main dishes from 8 to 15 Euros.
This famous restaurant, for a change, offers classic Bohemian Cousine, recipes that are being kept and transferred from generation to generation, and in the Czech, they certainly cook differently.
Anyone in the mood for something else than Franconian Cousine should get here, where you can find the usual eating habits, but if you come for unusual, this would be the right place to try it.
Even the beer here is native to Czech, so even in this respect, they fave a surprise for every guest that loves to try new things.
Lorenzer Str. 33
Restaurant right next to the city wall. Typical Franconian and international cuisine. Large beer garden in summer.
Main dishes from 7 to 14 Euros.
Like manz other, this place has its own secret, and they decided to share it with everyone, and that is the famous cellar, where many people come in the evening for different events. More than once, there are concerts, art projects, and loud parties long into the night.
During the day, this is from the look outside, yet another restaurant, where you can find a great meal for affordable prices, but in the evening, it becomes place of gathering of young people who loves art, books, good music, and grat vibes. Enjoy yourself!